Catch up May 14 at Yosemite

Playing “catch up

” is not fun, and staying in a lodge tonite (May 15) with limited internet access makes it more of a challenge. I’m going to have to use pictures that are on my phone for these next two posts.


This was on the walk to Mirror Lake. So beautiful!!


Betty took this one with her iPhone… It turned out the best of any of them. The sun was going down, the breeze was blowing, and the water was still as glass


Yosemite Falls in the daylight


This is a poor picture of the full moon, but a symbol of one of those little extra gifts that God gave us! When we went to the tourist information center before starting out for the day. “Martha” told us of a rare  phenomenon that would be happening about 10:30pm. The full moon would shine over the mist of Yosemite Falls, and a moonbow would appear. Now HOW could we even KNOW to plan THAT? Anyway, we did wait for it, and it was big, not dominant colors as we see in a rainbow,  but what a privilege to see!
The full moon was shining so brightly and lighting our path, all the way to the car. What an awesome God!

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